Friday 29 September 2017

Audience consumptions

The theory that we looked at looks at the idea that people consume media for uses and gratifications (Blumer and Katz). This explains why people use the media:
- For information
- For personal Identity
- For Entertainment
- For Integration and Social interactions.

If our audience were going to consume our product for entertainment then we would use a range of shot types and editing skills to draw the audience in and to interest them.

If our audience were going to consume our product for escapism then we would use a variety of props, make up and unique costumes to make the audience realise the difference between reality and give them an escape.

If our audience were going to consume our product for information seeking, we would provide the audience with information about the artist, then giving the audience the information that they were after. This could be through the use of filming locations that have relations with the artist.

If our audience were going to consume our product for personal identity we would relate to the audience through showing content that creates emotions.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Existing record label company research

Record label: Warner bros
They don’t particularly specialise in any genre of music but have covered a range of music genres including; Pop, Emo, Funk Rock, Pop rock, Hip-Hop and many more. They have also produced albums for artists including:

-       Madonna
-       Prince
-       Red Hot Chilli Peppers
-       Rod Stewart
-       Ed Sheeran
-       Clean Bandit

Record label: Aftermath
This was founded by Dr Dre and specialises in Rap and Hip-Hop. They have produced albums for artists including:

-       Eminem
-       Kendrick Lamar
-       50 cent
-       The Game

Record label: Cash Money Records
They specialise in Hip- Hop music and have produced albums for artists such as:

-       Lil Wayne
-       Birdman
-       B.G.
-       Juvenile

Record label: Atlantic records
They don’t particularly specialise in any genres; however, Pop music does seem to be a popular genre. They have also produced albums for artists including:

-       Wiz Khalifa
-       Twenty-One Pilots
-       Bruno Mars

Record label: RCA
Appear to specialise in the Pop music genre and they have produced albums for artists including:

-       Elvis Presley
-       Taylor Swift
-       Chris Brown
-       Sia
-       Brittany Spears

When considering the record labels that I have looked at, I think that the artist we have looked at may be best suited to Warner Bros or RCA records as they cover a large variety of music genres.

Existing record label company research

Record Label research

Record Label: Gain Records

Specialist genre/artist: Gain Records focus on mainly rock, heavy metal, death metal, melodic death metal, hard rock and alternative rock metal. They have produced albums for bands including:

  • Smash into Pieces
  • Avatar (Hail the Apocalypse)
  • Crashdiet (Generation Wild)
  • H.E.A.T (Address the Nation)

Record Label: Warner Music Group

Specialist genre/artist:  Warner Music Group have worked with multiple large named artists, including:

  • Ed Sheeran
  • Jason Derulo
  • Coldplay
  • Madonna
  • David Guetta
  • Red Hot Chilli Peppers
  • Clean Bandit
  • Rita Ora
  • Charlie XCX
  • Prince
  • Anne-Marie
  • My Chemical Romance
  • Rod Stewart
  • Phil Collins

The record label covers a range of music genres, including pop, alternative rock, emo, electropop, Brit-pop, pop rock, contemporary R&B, hip-hop and funk rock.

Record Label: Columbia Records

Specialist genre/artist: Columbia Records have produced records for huge name artists from different ages of music. This includes:

  • George Michael
  • Adele
  • One Direction
  • Beyoncé
  • Bob Dylan
  • Katy Perry
  • Mariah Carey
  • Shakira
  • David Bowie
  • The Chainsmokers

The record label covers a range of pop artists, including other genre: Latin American, pop, alternative pop, experimental rock

Record Label: Sony Music

Specialist genre/artist: Sony Music covers lots of artists from Columbia Records, but also involved artists like Brittiany Spears, Michael Jackson, George Ezra and Will Smith.

When comparing all four record labels, I think that either Columbia Records or Sony Music would most benefit Balcony. This is because when looking at the genres that the companies produce, Balcony would fit consistently within this genre of music.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Analysing lyrics

Only you can be satisfied
Come on and tell me
What do you see in your dreams at night?-This will show a shot of closed eyes moving as if the character were having a vivid dream.
And only you can turn on the light-This will include a shot of a light bulb flickering and then turning on, nothing else will be seen in the shot and that means that it will stand out amongst darkness.
Come on and show me
How do you feel when it's dark inside?

And only you can stay by the start
Truth be told now
It's how you feel when you're by my side
And only you can know if it's right
Truth be told now
It's how you breathe when you're by my side

Let's explain this- In our video we are going to specifically write out this line for more emphasis. Not only will it allow the audience to focus in more on the lyrics but as the shot will show someone writing on a whiteboard it is fitting with the sentence as it gives the effect that something is actually getting explained. 

Kaleidoscopes rather leave me go blind
Let's run inside, maybe you wanna hide-We will use a slowed down clip of walking through woodland to fit in with the idea of running. 
If you could see yourself, if you could see yourself
Kaleidoscopes rather leave me go blind
If you could see yourself, if you could see yourself
Let's run inside, maybe you wanna hide

Black clue, slow the troop
Black clue, slow the troop-We thought that it would be fitting to shot a clip of our female actress in a centre of a busy town, speed up the scene so that everyone around her is moving but she is standing still, highlighting her isolation. 

Let's explain this

Kaleidoscopes rather leave me go blind
Let's run inside, maybe you wanna hide
If you could see yourself, if you could see yourself
Kaleidoscopes rather leave me go blind
If you could see yourself, if you could see yourself
Let's run inside, maybe you wanna hide

And only you can be satisfied
And only you can be satisfied-As the song is coming to a close we will use several pictures and clips to show the couple's past relationship in a montage.
And only you can be satisfied


Our sequence of drums highlights the genre of rock, as shots of drums is what is commonly associated with rock music, which was the genre we were trying to highlight. One theorist that this relates to is Reid, who argues that the genre changes based on what you are told. This relates to the idea of drums and rock as we have told the audience that this is what is associated with rock, therefore the genre of the music video is rock.  We probably won't use the rock representation in our music video because the song choice we have chosen does not fit into the rock genre.

Another one of our sequences involves a piano and singing, which we have associated with an acoustic genre. This is because the piano sounds calming and peaceful, without any heavy bass instruments in the background, associating with the acoustic genre. Berger argues that the representation the genre is through the way of seeing. This is important to consider for our acoustic genre as it is important for the audience to understand that it is an acoustic genre, though the use of props and editing techniques that we used. The most effective element of the sequence of a piano is the symbolic presence of the piano as that is what highlights to the audience the genre. As well as the piano, we decided to add an effect over the top the clip. This is also significant when highlighting to the audience the acoustic genre because it gives a rustic look to the sequence, giving the obvious impression that our sequence is not a rock sequence, but more of a calming sequence. We have the possibility to relate the idea of acoustic in our music video,  as it is a slow paced song. However, we would be more likely to associate it with the pop genre due to the base music.

Our third genre involves spinning around of a grass area. We chose to portray this as being a pop genre as it fits in with the idea of having a good time. This relates to the pop genre as, for example, in the One Direction song, 'Live While We're Young', the band are shown as having a good time, which can be interpreted into our sequence performed. Gauntlett would argue that the music video shows the idea of masculinity in crisis, as it is very much representing the idea of a new male and not the traditional male, especially in relation to the One Direction music videos, in which our sequence may be interpreted to. In this sequence we placed an effect over the top to highlight this. However, we would be less likely to add a effect over the top of our music video as it is more of a calming and romantic form of pop music. However, we still want to be able to portray the pop genre in the music video, meaning that we will be able to experiment with different effects to match the type of song.

Our final sequence is a rap genre, in which we filmed in front of a car and explored with angles. In this we were able to represent the rap genre through adding a black and white effect over the top of the sequence. This is key in highlighting the rap genre because a stereotype of rap is black and white. Mulvey would argue the male gaze has an impact on rap genres as it is very male dominated and the women who are usually involved in the rap videos are very much sexualised.  We would not use the rap representation in our music video as it does not fit in with the genre that we have chosen. However, we may add the black and white effect that we added to the sequence because if may also be interpreted as being emotional, which can be highlighted in our music video.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Final song choice/Neamh's initial choice

Balcony are an unsigned band based in London. This song, 'Satisfied' describes a slow journey of two people becoming close to one another and discovering what each other wants. As there is no current music video for this song it is left to open interpretation. We initially interpreted the music video as it was a struggling relationship between two people, one who is determined to keep the relationship together and the other person is simply allowing themselves to drift away. This can be seen through lyrics such as "Come on and tell me, what do you see in your dreams at night?" They want to be close to them, yet they aren't allowing them in.

Friday 22 September 2017

My music video

Tom Grennan - Praying

This is the music video for the song 'Praying', Tom Grennan. I chose this specific music video because it fits within the common pop theme which lots of members of our target audience would enjoy. This is important to consider as it is important to choose a song that out audience would enjoy meaning that we could target them to the best of our abilities.
This specific music video would allow us to be creative in our locations and shot types that we used. In the music video, the shots are constantly changing in relation to the singer and his position on the screen and the beat of the music.

When considering the opportunities that we may have when filming the music video we could have explored a range of different shot types and angles in which we could use for targeting the audience. We could also use codes and conventions in order to relate to the song and the genre. For example, in the music video, the repetition of the chorus and the returning to the kitchen is beneficial in looking at the relationship between faith and peoples everyday life.

When considering initial ideas, we could use the reference of religion and interpret that into the music video along side the lyrics. This would emphasise the use of codes and conventions 

Thursday 21 September 2017

Whiteboard images from audience showing representation of artist

When looking at the boards from the feedback our target audience gave us, there was the common theme of age and ethnicity. The majority of people believed that our song, 'Satisfied' was performed by white males, aged around 20-30, with the majority of people thinking that the band may have been from America. Another common theme that came up on the boards was the appearance of the band, as the majority of people thought that the band would have the rugged band look which is commonly associated with bands.

Everyone had the idea of having a male singer for the main actor, which we had the same idea, as in the band the main singer is a male. As well as this, people had a large range of ideas where the music video could be filmed. For example, one person thought that it could be filmed indoors, where as others thought that it could be in a dark street. This would be hugely beneficial for us as it allows us to create a large range of ideas where we could possibly film the music video.

Music Video