Friday 29 September 2017

Audience consumptions

The theory that we looked at looks at the idea that people consume media for uses and gratifications (Blumer and Katz). This explains why people use the media:
- For information
- For personal Identity
- For Entertainment
- For Integration and Social interactions.

If our audience were going to consume our product for entertainment then we would use a range of shot types and editing skills to draw the audience in and to interest them.

If our audience were going to consume our product for escapism then we would use a variety of props, make up and unique costumes to make the audience realise the difference between reality and give them an escape.

If our audience were going to consume our product for information seeking, we would provide the audience with information about the artist, then giving the audience the information that they were after. This could be through the use of filming locations that have relations with the artist.

If our audience were going to consume our product for personal identity we would relate to the audience through showing content that creates emotions.

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