Wednesday 18 October 2017

Target Audience feedback

Questions from peer feedback:

What is the narrative theory?

For our music video the narrative that we are following will be about a romance between a boy and a girl. We chose to follow this narrative as it links within the lyrics and follows the idea of being able to interpret what the audience want.

What shot types are you planning on using?

We intend on using a variety of shot types to interest the audience to the music video. For example, when the song becomes more emotional we would use close-ups to allow the audience to relate to the song. We would also consider using mid-shots and establishing shots in scenes where our actor will be in the fields in order to highlight the abnormality of the song.

What sort of other locations are you using?

We are planning on using a field and a bedroom as a location for our music video. We have chosen to use a field as it supports the idea of being abnormal and contradicts the idea of 'normal'. As well as this, we have chosen to use a bedroom to complement the lyrics

Will you use props?

Yes we will be using props to make the music video more interesting to the target audience. We will use a variety of props in order to meet the audiences expectations.

What locations will be used?

We are planning on using a field and a bedroom as a location for our music video. We have chosen to use a field as it supports the idea of being abnormal and contradicts the idea of 'normal'. As well as this, we have chosen to use a bedroom to complement the lyrics: (e.g.)
"What do you see in your dreams at night?
And only you can turn on the light
Come on and show me
How do you feel when it's dark inside?"

How will you make sure that the music video fits with the target audience?

What props will you be using in your video?

We will use more simplistic props in our music video to contradict the audiences expectations of the music video. We are planning on using flowers in the music video. As members of our target audience
How will you use these props in your video?

What editing techniques will you use to make the video interesting?

How will your editing compliment the genre?

We have decided to use a range of editing techniques, such as colour isolation, layering of shots and colour saturation to match the genre of indie rock pop. This will benefit us by targeting the audience.

Who will play your main actor?

We are planning on using a teenage female as our main actor. This is because we want the music video to be relatable to the target audience.

Who specifically is your target audience?

16-20 year olds

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Music Video