Friday 13 October 2017

Narative theories

Theory 1: Todorov's three stage theory:
Equilibrium- Everything is happy and normal

Disruption- There is an issue

Resolution- Resolved and 'Happy ever after'

For our music video, if we were to incorporate this theory we would do the following:
A couple start off together, however they begin to separate. The singer would begin to search for their loved one emphasising time moving forward of how long it takes to find them whilst also having flashbacks to when they were together.

Theory 2: Levi Strauss' Binary opposites:
-Levi made sense of the world by seeing events as a result of binary opposites,
-These opposites create conflict.
-He was more interested in themes than the order in which these events were arranged.

For our music video, if we were to incorporate this theory into out video we would do the following:

Light and dark. We decided that we could incorporate light and dark into our music video based on the lyrics:
'What do you see in your dreams at night?
And only you can turn on the light
Come on and show me
How do you feel when it's dark inside?'

We also decided to use the comparison of male and female, as well as the representation of being care-free and being lost and alone.

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Music Video