Thursday 2 November 2017

Wordle and deconstruction of lyrics

From creating the Wordle and the deconstruction of lyrics, we have found that there are common themes that come up in which we can include into our music video. For example, when looking at the Wordle that we created, the common words and phrases that stand out the most to us include: 'Kaleidoscopes', 'Truth', 'See', 'Satisfied', and 'Dreams'. This then further emphasised the concept of dreams against reality, which also further follows Todorov's argument of binary opposites. Todorov's theory has had a large impact on how we chose a concept to follow as we felt that the idea of binary opposites fits well within the genre of the song. Also, the deconstruction of lyrics allowed us to break down the song in to the key elements that we wanted to include in the music video. For example, the key words that stood out to us that influenced our choice in the genre for the music video include:  'Satisfied' and 'Dreams', again linking back to the idea of dreams against reality. A disadvantage of using Worlde for the deconstruction of our lyrics was that common words such as 'me' and 'if' would also be picked out which are not the types of lyrics that we would want to stand out as they don't highlight anything of importance. Similarly, it also picks up punctuation like question marks which are also unnecessary.

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