Tuesday 10 October 2017

SurveyMonkey of audiences responses

Question: would you listen to this kind of music?

Question: What do you think will be happening in this music video?


"Like a spiritual club dancing"
"There would be a story playing for the song"
"A couple falling in love"
"A journey of some sort. Either a personal journey of an individual finding themselves and discovering where they belong or a story of some sort- perhaps a relationship break up"
"A man isolated in a place with cutaways of a lonely woman"
"Young people loving life and relationships"
"Heartbreak and soul searching"
"Something sad or emotional"
From these responses, in our video we will try to include clear representations of the theme of love specifically looking at heartbreak and distress. A few audience responses said that it would most likely be young people which is perfect as our main actor is still a young adult.

Question: What time of day do you think the video will be set?
From this response it is clear that shooting at sunset as well as a combination of all of the above would be the best. We may occur some issues whilst filming in dim light as the quality may not be good, however, if successful it would add to the creativity of the shots.

Question: Who do you expect the main actor to be?
The audience have favoured a female actor and that is who we shall be using for our video.

Question: What do you think they would be wearing?
The audience have given a mixture of results including, Plain, Hipster and Trendy clothing. To combine all three, clothing that is sold in Urban Outfitters is often alternative, on trend but at the same time they also offer plain clothing. This would be a perfect place to source any costumes that we don't already have.

Question: What sort of locations would you expect to see?

Fields and empty areas was an answer that was picked by all but one audience member. This means that we will most certainly incorporate that into our video as well as Busy city/town to juxtapose them. This would fit in with the theory by Blumer and Katz as our audiences could use our media as a form of escapsim and the locations that the audiences have chosen would tie in with this regardless if it was a busy or empty location as the main character would always look isolated as they are alone. 

The survey- https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HY9CT8S

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Music Video